based on a book, classic, film, must see

Movie Review: Forrest Gump

On this day in 1994 the world was introduced to one of the most beloved characters in film. Based on the 1986 novel by Winston Groom, Forrest Gump has become an absolute phenomenon; no matter how young or old you are this will always be a favorite of any generation. If for some reason you haven’t watched Forrest Gump, here is the spoiler alert. I DO NOT OWN THE PICTURE.

Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks who won an Oscar for the part with Michael Connor Humphreys as the younger version) is waiting for a bus in 1981 and tells sttangers how he got to this point. He talks about his first day of school in 1951, his mother (Sally Field) was very adamant about his education despite others pointing out his leg braces and very low intelligence; Mrs. Gump tells Forrest that he is the same as everybody else and to not let anyone say otherwise. The other students make fun of Forrest, except for one; Jenny Curran (Robin Wright and Hanna R. Hall as a child). Forrest immediately loves Jenny and throughout hid life never stops. His mother opens their home as a boarding house and Forrest inadvertently inspires a truck driver with his hip thrusting attempts at dancing (yep, Elvis Presley). Forrest eventually breaks his leg brace and becomes very fast, which helps when he outruns bullies; with Jenny telling him “Run Forrest, run.” He becomes a big football star at the University of Alabama because of his running; even meeting President John F. Kennedy. Forrest would then enlist in the army and befriends a man named Bubba (Mykelti Williamson). They plan to open up a shrimping company when they get discharged. Forrest and Bubba get shipped off to Vietnam where they meet Lieutenant Dan Taylor (Gary Sinise nominated for an Oscar for this part). During an ambush Forrest gets shot in the butt but saves the members of his platoon; Dan loses his legs and is depressed for a majority of the film (Forrest does later pull him out of his funk) while Bubba is killed. Forrest kerps his promise to Bubba; he opens a shrimping company along with Dan. Forrest reunites with Jenny many times in the movie, but because of her issues has trouble committing to Forrest despite loving him as much as he loves her. Probably as far as I should go without spoiling the rest of the film.

What can I say about this movie that hasn’t already been said? It is a true cinematic masterpiece. Tom Hanks is one of the best actors to ever grace a camera and, this probably goes without saying, Forrest Gump is one of his most iconic roles. Forrest is not the sharpest tool in the shed, but his heart more than makes up for it. Robin Wright shines as Jenny, the woman with a bad past but always had Forrest’s heart. Admittedly Forrest and Jenny’s love story feels a little one-sided, but it’s still lovely to watch. Sally Field is fabulous as Mrs. Gump; she’s caring, tough and, if I may be so bold, probably one of the best mothers on film or television. Gary Sinise is so good as Lt. Dan (he was nominated for an Oscar for the part). Iloved Williamson as Bubba; I can listen to him talk about shrimp all day.

The casting isn’t the only part I loved about Forrest Gump. I’m absolutely positive everyone enjoyed the pop culture references throughout the movie (John Lennon, Watergate, Apple and so much more.) The writing, cinematography and even the visual effects placing Forrest with the famous people is great. Forrest Gump won six Oscars including Best Actor for Hanks, Director, Film Editing, Visual Effects, Writing for an Adapted Screenplay and the biggest of them all Best Picture; it was also nominated for Best Supporting Actor for Sinise, art direction, cinematography, make-up and hair, score, sound and sound editing. The movie was also included on multiple American Film Institute top lists: Top 100 Quotes at #40 “Mama always said ‘Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.'”, 100 Cheers at #37, Top 100 movies at #71 and finally the 10th Anniversary edition at #76. To call this a must watch would be a big understatement. Grab your own box of chocolates, sit down and watch this classic Tom Hanks film.

based on a book, based on true story, classic, film, Marvel Films, musical, must see

What Movies are Perfect to watch of the 4th of July?

First and foremost Happy Independence Day to everyone here in the United States. I hope you have a great day no matter what you are doing; hanging by the pool while someone makes burgers and hot-dogs or spending the day inside (hopefully with air conditioning) and watching some patriotic movies. Whether it is something about our founding fathers or a movie that makes you feel patriotic. Today I want to do something a little different today other than a review. I’m gonna give you some movies I feel are perfect to watch whether it’d be today or just to make you proud of waving the American Flag. Here are some of my picks in no particular order. I DO NOT OWN THE PICTURE.

  1. Yankee Doodle Dandy. This 1942 biographical musical follows the true story of George M. Cohan (James Cagney) as he takes Broadway by storm; although his ego gets in the way a lot. Featuring songs such as “Over There” “You’re a Grand Old Flag” and “The Yankee Doodle Boy”. This film means so much to me because it was one of my grandmother’s favorites. Knowing George M. Cohan was so proud of our flag, and he was born on the fourth of July, makes me happy to be a musical fan as well as an American.
  2. Air Force One. I did a review for this 1997 film, but let me give you a quick recap. President James Marshall (Harrison Ford) has to rely on his former military training when terrorists, led by Egor Korshunov (Gary Oldman), hijack Air Force One and threaten to kill everyone on board unless their dictator is released. One of my favorite Harrison Ford films outside the Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchises; this film showed just what would anyone do to protect their family; also who doesn’t cheer a little when Marshall says “Get off my plane.”
  3. 1776. Yes another musical but at least it takes place leading up to why we celebrate the fourth of July. This 1972 film, based on the Broadway musical sees the Continental Congress as they make tough decisions; including whether or not independence from England is worth it. Starring William Daniels (yes, Mr. Feeny from Boy Meets World) as John Adams, Howard Da Silva as Benjamin Franklin, Ken Howard as Thomas Jefferson and Virginia Vestoff as Abigail Adams this musical gets your feet taping and flag waving.
  4. Jaws. Maybe not a movie about war or the American flag, but this 1975 film helped start the phenomenon known as summer blockbusters at the movies. Jaws is about a town being threatened by a great white shark and the three men wanting to put the shark down for good. The film does take place over the Fourth of July weekend, so I guess that counts.
  5. A League of their Own. Baseball has often been called the American past-time, and this 1992 film just might be one of the best sports films of all time. Starring Tom Hanks, Geena Davis, Madonna, Rosie O’Donnell, and Lori Petty the film takes a look back at the short lived All American Girls Professional Baseball League which took place during World War II. We watch as the girls have to deal with sexism, getting the public’s attention and proving they can be just as good as the men. A true classic film if I may say so.
  6.  Hidden Figures. I don’t want to call this film a surprise hit, but I’ll admit that I did not expect to see this 2016 movie to appear at so many award shows. That being said it is still a fantastic watch. When it looks like the Russians might beat the U.S. to space three brilliant African American women working for NASA step up to make it possible. Staring Taraji P. Henson as mathematician Katherine Johnson, Octavia Spencer as supervisor, and later computer expert Dorothy Vaughen and Janelle Monáe as engineer Mary Jackson. The film also features Kevin Costner, Jim Parsons, Kirsten Dunst and Mahershala Ali as people who either stood in the way or made a path for them to succeed. A movie about change as well as patriotism.
  7. The Rocky franchise. I know many will say Rocky IV is the most associated with patriotism, and that may be true, but I think not enough credit is given to the other films (at least the first three in addition to the fourth.) The franchise follows boxer Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) as he does from underdog to champion while finding and keeping the love of Adrian (Talia Shire). Everyone loves the underdog story, but I’ll admit the 1985 fourth film in the franchise is probably the more patriotic of the franchise; Rocky fights a Russian boxer named Drago (Dolph Lundgren) on Russian turf after Drago kills Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers) in the ring. On a side note I cannot wait to see Creed II this fall.
  8. Independence Day. Come on, how was I not going to put this 1996 film on here? When aliens arrive to take over the world, military forces must team up to combat the menace. Starring Will Smith in one of his breakthrough movie roles, Bill Pullman as the president of the United States, Jeff Goldblum and Vivica A. Fox this film showed when a force wants to fight, we are gonna fight back.
  9. Captain America: The First Avenger. I had to put one superhero movie on here and this 2011 film might be the most American of them all. The origin of one of the most popular comic book heroes is brought to life as Steve Trevor (Chris Evans) is transformed into Captain America. While starting of as joke, Steve soon proves he has the strength and heart of an American hero as his fights off a secret organization known as Hydra. Admittedly this is the weakest origin film of the Marvel movies, but it was one heck of a start to the Captain America part of the franchise.
  10. Mr. Smith Goes To Washington. Another underdog story, but this time it involves politics. Released in 1939, Jefferson Smith (James Stewart) is taken under the wing of Joseph Paine (Claude Rains) a crooked senator. The simple-minded Smith is at first destroyed by the newspapers and politicians, but after a little help Smith rallies for the people and earns their respect, as well as the respect of the Senate. James Stewart does a phenomenal job and his speech reaffirming what America is truly about is one of the best parts of the movie.

I hope everyone has a great Independence Day. Is there a film missing from my list that is one yours? Please leave a comment of what film and why it is great for the Fourth of July.

Disney, film, must see, Pixar

Movie Review: Incredibles 2

I stated this in my review to its predecessor and I’m gonna paraphrase it again. It has been a very long time since we’ve seen Pixar’s superhero family on-screen; there is a segment in the beginning featuring the actors and Brad Bird stating it and thanking the viewers for their patience. Was it worth the wait: 100 percent yes. This is still in theaters so I’m going to be as careful as I can be, but just in case, a spoiler alert is being issued. I DO NOT OWN THE PICTURE.

Taking place immediately after the first film Mr. Incredible aka Bob Par (Craig T. Nelson), Elastigirl aka Helen Par (Holly Hunter) and their children: Violet (Sarah Vowell), Dash (Huck Milner replacing Spencer Fox) and baby Jack-Jack (Eli Fucile) confront the Underminer (John Ratzenberger) but fail to stop him. Because of the damage their caused their friend from the super relocation program Rick Decker (Jonathan Banks taking over from Bud Lukey after he passed away) tells the Pars the program is being shut down for good. That same day Bob, Helen and their long-time friend Lucius Best aka Frozone (Samuel L. Jackson) are contacted by Winston Deavor (Bob Odenkirk), the head of a telecommunications company called DEVTECH. Winston, along with his genius inventor sister Evelyn Deavor (Catherine Keener), wants to make supers legal again; but they want Elastigirl to be the face. Winston provides the Par family with a house while Helen goes out stopping bad guys. Bob watches the kids, but is clearly upset that he is not out in the field; however he wants Helen to succeed for the kids (and his) super future. Bob soon has to cope with a few things: helping Violet capture her crush’s attention, Dash with math and (easily the best part of the movie) Jack-Jack’s new powers; yes plural as in more than one. Bob does get help from Lucius and longtime friend/costume designer Edna Mode (Brad Bird). Meanwhile Helen, along with a gaggle of supers including her biggest fan Void (Sophia Bush), have to fight a villain calling themselves the Screenslaver who hypnotizes anyone looking at a monitor. As far as I can go without spoiling the rest of the movie, but before I go into my review there is there is something I have to say. As you may have read the movie does have multiple flashing sequences which may cause someone with epilepsy to have a seizure so please be careful.

While I admit the sequel is not as good as the first film I believe it lived up to the hype. Having most of the cast back, in addition to the new characters, was amazing. The Par family is still as relatable as ever, even with the addition of powers. Bob is clearly struggling with staying on the side, but knows what he has to do to help Helen which makes him a good husband and father. Helen may have been reluctant to step back in the spotlight, but I thought she handled it well. Watching Violet and Dash become great supers is a joy, Lucius stepping up as uncle and Edna as aunt (kinda but it’s still great to see her) however I think we can agree the best part of the movie is Jack-Jack. I can honestly say sitting in the theater watching nearly everyone freak out when Jack-Jack showed a new power was hilarious; I know babies can be a struggle but imagine one that can teleport, multiply, burst into flames, laser eyes, demon baby and so much more. If you have the chance to watch Incredibles 2 in theaters go and do it, especially to get out of the heat.

based on true story, film, musical, must see

Movie Review: Walk The Line

I was re-watching the teaser trailer for the upcoming Freddie Mercury film, Bohemian Rhapsody, with a friend the other day. I said how much I was looking forward to watching it and before we knew it the conversation shifted to other musical biographical films we loved. The one film we both agreed on was this 2005 award winning movie about one of the greatest country singers of all time, and the woman that changed his life. As always a spoiler alert is being issued. I DO NOT OWN THE PICTURE.

Johnny Cash (Joaquin Phoenix, nominated for an Oscar for his part) had a tough life growing up after the death of his brother Jack. He would enlist in the Air Force in 1950 and be stationed in West Germany. Having always loved singing Johnny would purchase a guitar in 1952 and begin writing songs just to find solace; one of the songs being “Folsom Prison Blues”. Johnny would later marry his girlfriend Vivian Liberto (Ginnifer Goodwin) and had four children with her while working as a door to door salesman. Music still kept calling Johnny and, after organizing a band, would perform and earn a contract for Sun Records, owned by Sam Phillips (Dallas Roberts). While touring, Johnny meets June Carter (Reese Witherspoon who won an Oscar for her part). The two develop a close bond; with Johnny quickly falling in love for her. Despite feeling the same way (and divorcing two husbands with one child each throughout the course of the movie), June refuses to be with Johnny; even after they have a passionate night together. In addition to the rejection Johnny begins abusing drugs and alcohol and his performance begins to become affected. Johnny would later be arrested for purchasing drugs and, in addition to noticing how close Johnny and June are, Vivian divorces him. June, after pleas from his mother, helps Johnny get back on his feet and the two finally begin a relationship; it inspires June to write perhaps Cash’s most famous song “Ring of Fire”. Johnny discovers most of his fans are prisoners and decides to record a live concert album inside one of the prisons; specifically Folsom Prison despite the protests from the record producers. The album would become a huge success and Johnny and June would later marry; the film concludes with him famously proposing on stage and her accepting.

I know I probably gave away a lot of the film, but everything is a part of music history. Johnny Cash is one of the most successful country artists of all time and, if I may say, one of the most unique voices I’ve heard. His story is something to watch on screen. I thought then as I do now that Joaquin Phoenix was perfect as Cash; while I think he looked more like Elvis rather than Cash his performance made up for it. The true standout of the film is Reese Witherspoon as June Carter. While I think her role as Elle Woods will go down as her most iconic part, when it comes to acting I think Walk the Line has been Reese’s best role to date; winning multiple awards including the Golden Globe and Oscar. The chemistry between Phoenix and Witherspoon is infectious as was the real love between Johnny and June (of course there was a lot of drama getting to that happy ending.) Walk The Line was also nominated for four other Oscars including Best Actor, Costume, Film Editing and Sound. Being a musical there has to be a great soundtrack to go with it; and this Grammy winning album did not disappoint. Phoenix and Witherspoon provided their own singing and I have to admit I was surprised to hear how good they were; while they did not sound exactly like Johnny and June it came pretty close. While I am not certain how accurate the film is I would say Walk the Line is one heck of a drama/musical biographical movie. If you enjoy those movies put this on the must watch list.

based on true story, film, must see

Movie Review: Dunkirk (2017 film)

There are genres of movies I am not a big fan of (horror, spoof and really raunchy comedies for example), but one I have mixed feelings for are war films. While I liked reading about the history of past wars in school it is another thing for me to watch it on the big screen. That being said when I watched Dunkirk before the Oscars that year I immediately got the hype behind this 2017 film. As always spoilers will be ahead. I DO NOT OWN THE PICTURE.

During the Battle of France in 1940, thousands of Allied soldiers are hiding out in the town of Dunkirk. One of the soldiers, Tommy (Fionn Whitehead) goes to the beach where he sees soldiers attempting to board a ship for evacuation as German planes constantly dive bomb the soldiers. Along with two other soldiers, Gibson (Aneurin Barnard) and Alex (Harry Styles) the three young men try and find a way to survive the attacks and get away from Dunkirk. At the same time the Royal Navy ask civilians to borrow their ships so they may rescue the soldiers. Civilian sailor Dawson (Mark Rylance), his son Peter (Tom Glynn-Carney) and friend George (Barry Keoghan) sail their ship, the Moonstone, to Dunkirk rather than have the Navy take it. On their way they pick up a soldier (Cillian Murphy) on a wrecked ship where he was the only survivor. When the soldier realizes where his rescuers are going, he demands they turn back; terrified about what happened to him. This would later prove to be costly. Meanwhile, while the two stories are taking place, three Spitfires are heading for Dunkirk but are attacked in a dog fight. When the leader perishes, pilot Farrier (Tom Hardy) takes command, despite a shattered fuel gauge, with the other pilot Collins (Jack Lowden) helping him. Keep an eye out for James d’Arcy as Colonel Winnant and Kenneth Branagh as Colonel Bolton.

I can say this with absolute certainty: Dunkirk is one of the most beautiful films I have ever seen. The way the movie was shot is absolutely stunning; from the beach, boats, planes to when the attacks happened. I have watched my fair share of Christopher Nolan films, yes it is mostly the Dark Knight trilogy, but I think this just might be his best film to date; I think he wanted to make the film as accurate as he possibly could. I believe this is why he cast so many young (and somewhat unknown) men along with bigger names like Hardy, Branagh and Murphy. The background music and sound was incredible; I had the movie on a mildly low volume most of the time and I could still hear the planes shooting or boats exploding. The characters, while fictional or a combination of actual soldiers, are fascinating to watch. Not much is known about them, but it doesn’t matter because the story is more important. I was actually surprised by how many young people came to see Dunkirk when it was in theaters; I’m sure some of the girls came because of Harry Styles but left learning a bit more about what happened in Dunkirk. Critics and audiences absolutely loved the film praising everything about it. The film won three Academy Awards for its sound editing, sound mixing and film editing while nominated for five others including cinematography, director and picture. I love the movie, but I have to make a tiny note for those that haven’t watch the film: put on the closed caption. It is very hard to hear the guys talking unless they are shouting, and then about five minutes later you have to turn the volume down because of shooting, exploding or alarms. Other than that Dunkirk is an absolute must-watch.

film, must see

Movie Review: Jurassic World

If you were to tell fans that there was going to be a fourth Jurassic Park movie after the let’s say not fantastic sequels I do not know if they would have agreed. However in 2015 the long awaited Jurassic World premiered, and in my opinion it was better than anyone thought it was going to be. Ok so the science wasn’t exact as anyone in that background has explained; I get it but this is called science fiction for a reason. As always spoilers will be ahead. I DO NOT OWN THE PICTURE.

Jurassic World has been open for many years and is still going strong. Despite dinosaurs still being “wow” many who invest in the park, including owner Simon Masrani (Irrfan Khan) want to see more; encouraging Dr. Henry Wu (B.D. Wong and the only original cast member to appear in the movie) to create more genetically modified dinosaurs, much to the annoyance of park control room employee Lowery (Jake Johnson). Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard), the park operations manager and doesn’t seem to get that these are living creature, observes the newest addition to the park, the Indominus Rex; a creature created with T-Rex DNA and other parts deemed classified. At the same time her nephews Zack and Gray (Nick Robinson and Ty Simpkins) visit the park, after their parents Karen and Scott (Judy Greer and Andy Buckley) send them away possibly in order to avoid talking about their upcoming divorce, but are stuck with Claire’s assistant Zara (Katie McGrath). Another park employee, and one Claire had a bad first date with, is Owen Grady (Chris Pratt) a Navy veteran who is researching raptor intelligence. He works closely with four raptors, having built a bond of trust with them; however he refuses to train them for military use which is what head of InGen security Vic Hoskins (Vincent D’Onofrio) wants. Masrani wants Owen to look at the Indominus enclosure to ensure everyone’s safety; Owen believes that because she was raised in a cage alone she is going to be dangerous. Claw marks on the cage look like the Indominus escaped and Owen (along with two others) go in to check it out; and that’s when the “fun” begins. Because of the mixed DNA, the Indominus can mask heat, camouflage and is incredibly intelligent. Owen just barley escapes as the dinosaur becomes loose in the park, endangering many lives including Zack and Gray. Owen and Claire team up to find her nephews and must find a way to stop the Indominus. About as far as I should go without spoiling the rest of the movie.

To call Jurassic World a huge success would be a big understatement. Grossing 500 million the opening weekend, and one of the fastest films to reach a billion dollars, it was obvious how much people missed seeing good dinosaur movies. Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard are fantastic as the leads; Pratt is great at action and comedy while Howard’s character evolves from little miss perfect to running in high heels towards danger (p.s. that really impressed me I can barely even walk in heels.) The rest of the cast is spectacular; I personally enjoyed Johnson, Khan, Robinson, Simpkins, Wong and D’Onofrio performances. I thought the script was definitely better than the first two and lived up to but was not as great as the first one (obviously.) The special effects were much more improved; although you can still tell they are computer generated they still make the dinosaurs life like. The Indominus Rex was a very good monster, although the Mosasaurus was also impressive to look at. Of course it was good to see Rexy again at the end of the film. Overall I think Jurassic World did live up to the hype it had prior to the film premiere (and I may even call it a must see), and we can only wait and see if the sequel, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom in theaters now can grow the story more. I will try and see that as soon as possible. In the meantime if you haven’t seen Jurassic World I would rent or DVR it as soon as possible.

based on a book, classic, film, must see

Movie Review: Jurassic Park

With the fifth film opening this Friday I thought it would be a great idea to finally review one of the most successful film franchises of all time. Based on the 1990 novel of the same time, this 1993 Steven Spielberg movie opened the door to a brand new world 65 million years in the making. For some reason if you haven’t seen the franchise here is a massive spoiler alert. I DO NOT OWN THE PICTURE.

Paleontologist Dr. Alan Grant (Sam Neill), his paleobotanist girlfriend Dr. Ellie Sattler (Laura Dern) and mathematician/chaos theorist Dr. Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) are invited by industrialist John Hammond (Richard Attenborough), and a lawyer Donald Gennaro (Martin Ferrero) to verify that Hammond’s new park is safe. When they get to the island called Isla Nublar Grant, Ellie and Malcolm are stunned (to say the least) that Hammond and his team, including Dr. Henry Wu (B.D. Wong), Ray Arnold (Samuel L. Jackson) and Robert Muldoon (Bob Peck) have recreated dinosaurs using DNA from mosquito and frogs as well as keeping the dinosaurs all girls in order to prevent breading; Dr. Malcolm quickly disbelieves this famously stating “Life finds a way” as well as dismissing the thought of controlling the dinosaurs. Grant, Ellie, Malcolm, Gennaro and Hammond’s grandchildren Lex and Tim Murphy (Ariana Richards and Joseph Mazzello) go on a tour of the park, called Jurassic Park, and that is when things go wrong. A tropical storm hits the island at the same time Dennis Nedry (Wayne Knight), who has been bribed by a competitor to steal embryos, cuts off the security system in order to get to where they are stashed. However because of his stupidity the power goes off as well and trucks with Grant, Malcolm, Gennaro and the kids get stuck right by the Tyrannosaurs Rex area (for those who haven’t seen the film this ends about as well as you think.) Everyone soon has to find a way to survive in Jurassic Park with not only the T-Rex but velociraptors after them until help can arrive. About as far as I should go without giving away the rest of the movie.

I actually avoided this film when I was younger because dinosaurs freaked me out (also seeing people getting eaten on screen makes me nauseous.) However when Jurassic World was coming out my curiosity was getting the better of me and I finally sat down to watch all three films. My reviews for those will come later, as for this this is clearly the best of the Jurassic films so far (not just my opinion but a fact.) This is widely regarded as one of the best films of all time; not just in dinosaur but in terms of Spielberg films as well. Everyone in the movie did a fantastic job acting wise, the script was fantastic and the special effects, given how computers were back in the 90’s, were amazing. The dinosaurs in here are either robotics and/or CGI are so well done you would think they were actual dinosaurs. Of course I cannot forget about the incredible music on the background, one of the most recognizable themes in film and why Jurassic Park won Oscars for its sound mixing, editing and visual effects. While I think the three sequels, as well as the upcoming fourth this Friday, are/may not as good as this one it was still a great way to start off one of the best film franchises of all time. If you haven’t watched the original Jurassic Park I highly recommend it, I’d even call it a must see. In the words of John Hammond: “Welcome to Jurassic Park.”

Disney, film, must see, Pixar

Movie Review: Disney Pixar’s The Incredibles

In honor of the long, and I mean LONG, awaited sequel now out in theaters, let’s take a look back at one of Pixar’s best feature films of all time (that might just be my opinion, but if you agree awesome.) Released in 2004 this Academy Award winning animated feature took audiences on a ride with a family dealing with their problems, oh yeah and they are superheroes. If you haven’t seen The Incredibles here is a massive spoiler alert. I DO NOT OWN THE PICTURE.

After years of damage caused by superheroes, or supers, finally cause the public to turn against them, the government issues a relocation program for supers to fully accept their secret identities. Two married supers, Bob Parr aka the super strong Mr. Incredible (Craig T. Nelson) and Helen Parr aka the flexible Elastigirl (Holly Hunter) seem to have adjusted well to a normal life with their three children: the shy and invisible Violet (Sarah Vowell), the super-fast Dash (Spencer Fox) and the normal baby Jack-Jack. Bob does love his family, but after 15 years he longs for his glory days being a super; often going out as a vigilante with his best friend Lucius Best aka the ice powered Frozone (Samuel L. Jackson). One day Bob receives a message from a beautiful woman named Mirage (Elizabeth Peña) offering the chance to become Mr. Incredible again and provide for his family. He jumps at the chance, but eventually realizes he is a part of a bigger and more sinister plot. The person behind it, a man at one time called Buddy Pine now the smart and vengeful Syndrome (Jason Lee) who wants to rid the world of supers, either by killing or by rendering the term useless. Helen, after a visit with family friend, super costume designer and sassy Edna Mode (director Brad Bird) realizes what has happened to her husband and joins him, along with Violet and Dash in stopping Syndrome.

This is one of my family’s favorite Pixar films, which if you’ve been following this blog probably doesn’t surprise you. The action, comedy, family dynamic, writing and voice acting for The Incredibles is exactly like the film title says. Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Spencer Fox and Sarah Vowell are amazing as the Parr family as their characters develop, grow and kick butt. Jason Lee is fantastic as the villain Syndrome; my opinion one of the best Pixar and Disney bad guys. My favorite characters to listen to are Samuel L. Jackson as Frozone (who doesn’t love the whole sequence with Frozone and his off-screen wife) and Brad Bird as Edna Mode (NO CAPES)! However if I have to say what my favorite thing about The Incredibles is, it might be how the film makers took traits in an everyday family and turned them into the powers. A dad, usually the patriarch, has to be the strongest member, mom has to be flexible running the house and kids, teen girls usually feel invisible and pre-teen boys are full of energy and run around. They made everyone in The Incredibles relatable in some way to the audience which helped the success of this wonderful animated film. Of course after a nearly 14 year wait Incredibles 2 has finally come to theaters, and I know my family will be in line to watch it as soon as we possibly can. If once again you have not seen The Incredibles I would put it on the must see list immediately. It is truly an incredible film (sorry, not sorry.)

based on true story, classic, film, must see

TV Movie Review: Brian’s Song

If you were to ask any critic what is the greatest television movie of all time, there is a good chance they will say Brian’s Song. Premiering on ABC in their Movie of the Week specials in 1971, this true story film received widespread acclaim by critics and viewers alike, calling it not only a fantastic TV film, but one of the best sports movies of all time. I finally watched it about a year ago, and despite knowing what was going to happen I still shed tears. Spoilers ahead as always (and only because it is unavoidable.) I DO NOT OWN THE PICTURE.

The new Chicago Bears running back Gale Sayers (Billy Dee Williams) arrives to team practice and quickly gets into a friendly rivalry with a fellow player and running back Brian Piccolo (James Caan). The two become roommates, back then was unheard of, and eventually become friends. Sayers helps Piccolo with his game when he struggles and when Sayers goes down with an injury Piccolo helps him out with a weight machine. The two soon become more like brothers than friends as they play football and have families. However when Piccolo becomes a fullback and his performance on the field begins to falter, it is obvious that something is wrong. It is soon revealed by Coach George Halas (Jack Warden) that Brian has terminal cancer, specifically embryonal cell carcinoma. Sayers does what he can to make Brian feel better, but sadly Brian passes away at the age of 26. Sayers encourages their teammates and families to remember Brian not for how he died, but for how he lived.

Ok I know I gave away the ending, but don’t say I did not warn you in the beginning. Watching the friendship between Gale and Brian is still beautiful to watch. The two started off as rivals, it wasn’t forced that the two would become brothers by outside parties and even in the end Gale kept Brian alive in his heart. Billy Dee Williams and James Caan were perfect together, as were the rest of the cast, writing, cinematography and direction of the film. I can honestly say watching the scene were Gale first hears about Brian’s diagnosis as well as the speech is absolutely heartbreaking, I had seen that scene before I watched the movie and the look on Gale’s face gets me every time. The final moments of the film where we watch what may have been Gale’s final moments with Brian, as well as the narrator telling the audience what happened after Brian’s death, are some of the finest moments in an already amazing film. Brian’s Song won four out of the eight Emmys it was nominated for, including best supporting actor for Warden, single program, cinematography and the writing while Caan and Williams were nominated for their parts, as well as a nomination for best miniseries or television film at the Golden Globes. It was remade in 2001 with Sean Maher and Mekhi Phiffer as Brian and Sayers, but that is for another day (a very long wait on Netflix DVD so I’m hoping I can catch this stream wise soon). If you can find the original Brian’s song, whether it is DVD, streaming or on TV, I HIGHLY recommend watching it. Be prepared to have your heart broken, tears flowing and a box or two of tissues gone by the end of the film.

classic, film, must see

Movie Review: Casablanca

You ask any film critic what is the greatest film of all time and I guarantee most if not all of them will say this 1942 film. From its wonderful script, once in a lifetime performances, beautiful cinematography to its beautiful story Casablanca is everything the critics say and more. As always spoilers will be ahead. I DO NOT OWN THE PICTURE.

During World War II many traveled to Casablanca in order to find transportation to the then neutral United States, however those who did not have papers saying so could be arrested or worse. A petty crook brags about killing two German officers in order to get letters of transport but gets it to bitter nightclub owner Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) before he is arrested and dies in protective custody under the command of Captain Louis Renault (Claude Rains). Rick attempts to remain neutral despite his past in previous wars, but becomes involved after the reason for his bitterness is revealed. Years ago Rick fell in love with a woman believed to be a widow named Ilsa Lund (Ingrid Berman) and the two have a passionate relationship. However she left without explanation one day and he’s been a bitter person since. Until now that Ilsa has returned along with her not so dead husband Victor Laszlo (Paul Henreid) trying to escape to America from German Major Heinrich Strasser (Conrad Veidt). Despite being extremely bitter Rick agrees to help as he still loves Ilsa, and she still loves him. About as far as I should go without spoiling the rest of the film, but the ending is very famous.

What can I say about Casablanca that has not already been said by basically everyone that has watched the movie? It is one of the best movies of all time (if not the absolute best); Bogart and Berman are amazing as the leads. Rains and Henreid are fantastic supporting actors along with the rest of the cast. The writing, cinematography, location; all the little tiny details are spot on perfect, which should not surprise you when I say this won the Oscar for Best Picture, Director and Screenplay while nominated for Actor, Supporting Actor, Cinematography, Film Editing and Music. In fact the film is listed on multiple American Film Institute top 100 lists: 100 movies at #2 and in the 10th Anniversary at #3, Thrills at #37, Passions at #1, Cheers at #32, Heroes for Rick at #4, Songs for “As Time Goes By” at #2 and finally SIX quotes more than any other film on the lists in Best Movie Quotes: #67 “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine”, #43 We’ll always have Paris”, #32 “Round up the usual suspects”, #28 “Play it Sam, Play “As Time Goes By””, #20 “Louie I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship” and #5 “Here’s looking at you kid” (which Bogart improvised a lot). What are you still reading this for? Go watch Casablanca now!
