Disney, Fairy Tale, film

Movie Review: Disney’s Cinderella (2015 film)

Disney has been dishing out live action remakes of their most popular animated films; each so far just as if not more successful than the animated version. I have enjoyed the new adaptions, which will be discussed separately at a later date, but I’d be lying if I said when I heard about “remakes” I wasn’t concerned they would change the story. However when it came to the 2015 adaption of Cinderella those thoughts were quickly erased as Kenneth Branagh directed what I’m sure will be called another Disney classic just like it’s animated version. While I’m sure everyone knows the story, here is a spoiler alert because it is unavoidable. I DO NOT OWN THE PICTURE.

Ella (Lily James with Eloise Webb as a younger version) has had a very good childhood with her lovely mother (Hayley Atwell) and father (Ben Chaplin) until her mother suddenly passes away; Ella promising to honor her mother’s dying wish “have courage and be kind”. Years later Ella’s father remarries the widow of an old friend, Lady Tremaine (Cate Blanchett) who brings along her dimwitted and mean daughters Anastasia (Holliday Granger) and Drisella (Sophie McShera). Ella’s father soon leaves for another business trip and Lady Tremaine’s cruel and jealousy to Ella begins; forcing Ella to move to the attic. Ella’s father dies on the trip and Lady Tremaine, to “save money” dismisses the staff; forcing Ella to do all the work while her step-family torments her with their cruel nicknames including “Cinderella.”

Ella almost runs away from home because of it, but runs into a young man named Kit (Richard Madden) part of the royal hunting party while saving a stag. The two become quickly smitten with each other and part. Unbeknownst to Ella Kit is the crown prince set to take up the throne soon as the King (Derek Jacobi) is dying. Both the king and the Grand Duke (Stellan Skarsgård) want Kit to throw a ball and marry a princess to help the kingdom (in the Grand Duke’s opinion the Princess Chelena of a country with rich resources). Kit does agree to the ball, along with his friend only known as The Captain (Nonso Anozie), but only if every eligible young lady is invited as well; a not exactly subtle way to try and see Ella again. News of the ball soon spreads and Ella step-family nearly work her to the bone preparing them while her step mother (after insulting and tearing her gown) forbid her from going. Shortly after they leave Ella’s fairy godmother (Helena Bonham Carter) arrives and (in hilarious fashion) uses magic to send Ella to the ball with a pumpkin carriage, mice turned horses, goose coachman, lizard footmen, an absolutely gorgeous ballgown and glass slippers. However Fairy godmother tells Ella the magic will end at midnight so she must leave before then. Ella reunites with Kit, now knowing he’s the prince, and the two spend the evening together falling in love. Ella leaves in a hurry at midnight, dropping one of her slippers along the way, but manages to get home before her step-family and hides the other slipper.

However Lady Tremaine shortly figures out it was Ella at the ball finding the slipper and, after Ella refuses to give in to her demands, locks her in the attic and destroys the shoe. Using the slipper and knowledge of the Grand Duke’s deception Lady Tremaine blackmails the Grand Duke so they both get what they want. Kit agrees to marry the Princess Chelena, but only if the Grand Duke cannot find the mystery girl.

I know I gave away basically everything but the ending; it’s Cinderella it’s not hard to figure it out, but that is because I wanted to show just how different this film is compared to other versions of the classic fairy tale. The animated Disney film was one of my favorites growing up, a friend of mine states it is her favorite movie of all time, but I thought this live action adaption was even better. Lily James was perfect as Cinderella; not just gorgeous but showcases exactly what Cinderella strives to be: kind hearted. While there is nothing wrong with the animated Cinderella I thought James’s version had a bit more spunk and was much more modern (I think that was the goal.) Richard Madden was not only very handsome to look at, but did a fabulous job as Kit (in this version we actually get a name). The prince in the animated film kinda just felt like he was there as the romantic partner (that changed over one of the two direct to DVD animated sequels), but Madden showed Kit as someone struggling with his position in power as well as deciding what is best for the kingdom and his heart. In a way Kit combined the animated film as well as the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical. Madden and James’s chemistry was incredible and I hope they continue in more projects; I read they were on stage in Westminster two years ago as another pair of famous lovers Romeo and Juliet.

Of course Cinderella and the prince are not the only memorable characters. Cate Blanchett is one of the best actresses today and she manages to steal the show no matter hat movie she’s in. This is once again the case regarding her performance as the cruel Lady Tremaine. Truth be told I often forget how evil the step-mother is compared to other Disney villains, but whenever I watch Disney’s versions I remember almost within a minute of meeting her. Blanchett’s really captured Lady Tremaine’s essence as she calmly torments Cinderella and later nearly loosing it when Ella defies her. Nonzo Anozie is fantastic to watch as the Captain, usually the voice of reason or very funny, Skarsgård is interesting as the Grand Duke (definitely not like the animated film), Granger and McShera are hilarious as the stepsisters and finally while for her short period of time on screen Bonham Carter is very enjoyable as the Fairy Godmother.

The film takes elements from the animated film, the fairy tale as well as bits of other versions, but at the same time I thought the film sticks out on its own; it is definitely one of my favorite versions of Cinderella in recent memory. Everything from the writing, cast, Oscar nominated costumes and music for me was spot on perfection. Time will tell if this stands among the other live action remakes Disney has or are currently planning, but for now the live action Disney Cinderella movie is worth the watch.
