classic, film, must see

Movie Review: Casablanca

You ask any film critic what is the greatest film of all time and I guarantee most if not all of them will say this 1942 film. From its wonderful script, once in a lifetime performances, beautiful cinematography to its beautiful story Casablanca is everything the critics say and more. As always spoilers will be ahead. I DO NOT OWN THE PICTURE.

During World War II many traveled to Casablanca in order to find transportation to the then neutral United States, however those who did not have papers saying so could be arrested or worse. A petty crook brags about killing two German officers in order to get letters of transport but gets it to bitter nightclub owner Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) before he is arrested and dies in protective custody under the command of Captain Louis Renault (Claude Rains). Rick attempts to remain neutral despite his past in previous wars, but becomes involved after the reason for his bitterness is revealed. Years ago Rick fell in love with a woman believed to be a widow named Ilsa Lund (Ingrid Berman) and the two have a passionate relationship. However she left without explanation one day and he’s been a bitter person since. Until now that Ilsa has returned along with her not so dead husband Victor Laszlo (Paul Henreid) trying to escape to America from German Major Heinrich Strasser (Conrad Veidt). Despite being extremely bitter Rick agrees to help as he still loves Ilsa, and she still loves him. About as far as I should go without spoiling the rest of the film, but the ending is very famous.

What can I say about Casablanca that has not already been said by basically everyone that has watched the movie? It is one of the best movies of all time (if not the absolute best); Bogart and Berman are amazing as the leads. Rains and Henreid are fantastic supporting actors along with the rest of the cast. The writing, cinematography, location; all the little tiny details are spot on perfect, which should not surprise you when I say this won the Oscar for Best Picture, Director and Screenplay while nominated for Actor, Supporting Actor, Cinematography, Film Editing and Music. In fact the film is listed on multiple American Film Institute top 100 lists: 100 movies at #2 and in the 10th Anniversary at #3, Thrills at #37, Passions at #1, Cheers at #32, Heroes for Rick at #4, Songs for “As Time Goes By” at #2 and finally SIX quotes more than any other film on the lists in Best Movie Quotes: #67 “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine”, #43 We’ll always have Paris”, #32 “Round up the usual suspects”, #28 “Play it Sam, Play “As Time Goes By””, #20 “Louie I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship” and #5 “Here’s looking at you kid” (which Bogart improvised a lot). What are you still reading this for? Go watch Casablanca now!
